Where everyone is an athlete…

“So you’re a Strength & Conditioning Coach. Is that like a Personal Trainer?”

“What do you do for a living?” “I’m a strength & conditioning coach” “A what?!?!” “A strength & conditioning coach” “What does that mean?!?!” “I train athletes for sports performance” “Is that like a personal trainer?” 🙁 If I had a pound for every time I’ve had this conversation, I wouldn’t need to work another…

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An introductory workout suitable for most individuals

Hello again to all of you, So my last post mentioned the work I have been doing with the kick boxers at the SKF Crawley Cashman’s Martial Arts Centre of Excellence Dojo. Basically, I have been inducting these fighters into the strength & conditioning area of the facility by taking them through a basic workout…

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We’re alive and kicking (literally!)

Hello to you all, Apologies for the quiet few months. As most of you know I was away in the US attending the NSCA Annual Conference in Las Vegas. This proved extremely beneficial for me. I met some great people, attended some really inspiring and informative lectures. I also picked up some great ideas and…

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