Where everyone is an athlete…

This exercise had me aching all week

And it was a result of making this video!

You can even see me struggling when demonstrating this fantastic exercise I use a lot

It’s supposedly named after an Olympic Weightlifter who used to do this exercise with a pair of 25kg plates

However, I thought I’d stick to something a little bit lighter in the video below

So I guess you’re wondering what is this all about?

Well this exercise is a fantastic way for developing some core strength

More specifically your ability to resist spinal extension during this challenging movement

Key things are you need to brace so you can keep your back in contact with the floor

You should also aim to breath during each repetition instead of holding your breath
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Which is easier said than done

Give it a go using just your body weight first before progressing with weight plates

You can start that off by using just the one and passing it between the hands and feet

Just like in the video below, before grabbing a second plate

Reps and sets-wise?

Start of by focusing on your technique before increasing the volume

I’d work on 3 sets of 5 reps as a beginner


Joe Bullen MSc ASCC CSCS • 25th March 2018

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