Where everyone is an athlete…

Solving Back Pain

So I just happened to stumble across an old e-mail from a list I’m on


That I often neglect or forget about


And there was a article in there about some research that has been done at The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center


This research was looking into the cause of lower back pain in both recreational and elite runners


And after some pretty cool gadgets being used to analyse muscle activation and movement during running


They found that…


“Working on the deep core, not the abs, is essential to becoming a better runner”




Well if your deep stabilising posture related muscles are weak…

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“When your deep core is weak, your body is able to compensate in a way that allows you to essentially run the same way… But that increases the load on your spine in a way that may lead to low back pain.”


So how can you stop this from happening?


Simple really… TRAINING


And more specifically strengthening exercises for the deep core muscles that force them to fire and hold a stable position


A bit like some of these exercises here…

For a FREE programme on some of the strength training exercises I use and to also be kept up-to-date with what’s going on at JBSC CLICK HERE… 

Joe Bullen MSc ASCC CSCS • 15th February 2018

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